Department Formation

Original members of the Jackson Fire Department
The Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department was organized on August 17, 1953. George Johnson served as the president and John Baytos was appointed as the temporary chief. Following the formation of the fledgeling department they joined with the Jackson-Milton Board of Education and the Division of Vocational Education of the State of Ohio to put together a training program for the volunteers. Since there was no fire station at this point they used Jackson-Milton high school which was currently undergoing some renovations. Those renovations actually lead the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department to getting off with a bang. During one of those classes someone threw a cigarette out a window which caught a pile of building supplies on fire. Since the department had barely been formed and no members had officially completed training along with a lack of equipment or trucks the Austintown Fire Department was called in to take care of the blaze. Following that fire the class completed successfully on December 16, 1954 with 32 members.
Station Built and Department in Service

1957 Original station and fire engine
During the 1954 elections the residents of Jackson Township passed a levy for the fire department to build a station and purchase their first fire truck. Following the passing of the levy the fire department was authorized to draw up plans for the station as well as write the specifications for their apparatus. It took about 3 years and in May of 1957 the station was completed and the very first Jackson Township Firetruck was delivered. In September of 1957 the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department officially went into service with twenty-nine active members. With the department now in service the following officers were appointed Fire Chief Dan King, Assistant Chief David Hanna, Captain Sam Oblinger, and Lieutenant Early Ruggles.
Experience and Equipment

1978 Fire Apparatus
Through out the early days of the department they had been using only 6-8 sets of turn-out gear and equipment. However, on February 21, 1958 the Sedgewick Ford Garage caught fire creating the largest fire which the department had experienced up until this point. This fire showed the department the need to move forward with turn-out gear and equipment for each member. Ken McMillan brought this to the township trustees who then authorized the purchase of new turn-out gear and equipment. Another thing that the department learned they needed was another fire apparatus. The men began volunteering many hours of their time to build a second pumper for the department. A chassis was purchased and the truck sent out to have a pump installed. When it was brought back the tank was added and #2 pumper ready to go.
Into the Future
Over the years the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department has continued to serve the community. The department continues to expand to provide better coverage and handle any incidents that may occur within the township. From fires to medical emergencies to motor vehicle crashes if something happens within Jackson Township limits the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department will be there to provide assistance.
Need to reach us?
If this is an Emergency please dial 911
Station Direct Line- (330) 538-3023